It has been two months since I wrote anything, and not because I've forgotten. It's been eating at me that I haven't written, especially since I'm concerned my memory is fading.
But I just have not been able to make any time to do so. I work long hours, and while the weekends would be ideal, if I'm at home, my wife loves to sneak a peak over my shoulder whenever I'm doing anything. It's annoying, and reminds me of my dad whenever I was on the computer how he'd just barge in. No fucking privacy to do anything back then. Even my sister noticed that one time she came to stay with us. He'd just barge in.
The only time during the work week that I have is maybe a lunch break at work. But I often am not in the mood to write. Plus, lunch time is often a period for constant interruptions and endless phone notifications.
I do manage to steal time almost every day to get a 45 minute to an hour walk at the park. Sometimes I'm able to get one in the morning on the way to work if I don't have to be there til 8 and if I can force myself out of bed at 5 to do so. But I am usually always able to walk in the evening before sunset.
Until the time changes, anyway. Around November the sun sets at 4pm.
Walks outside are the only respite I have where I can take a breather.
So I'm stealing a bit of time to sit on a bench and write this.
I have a steamed hams video I need to shoot one more scene for, and then get with Paul to ADR pretty much all of the dialogue since we rushed it. But had to. It was empty as Universal and there would probably never be another time when the location was as empty as it was then. Audio can be redone.
I'm trying to plan a trip to Japan.
Originally, I was just going to send myself for a week. All I want to do is walk and look around and eat occasionally. I just want to go home.
But then I wanted to at least one time, experience being there with my wife. So then I decided to plan bringing her on our anniversary.
But then her birthday is a week before our anniversary, so why not plan to include being there during that?
But then Michael's Birthday is in the middle of all of that, so bring him too. Can't leave Paul out, because that's not fair and he probably wants to go just as much as I do.
So that $5000 in round-trip airfare alone.
During a cold month in February, that I'm sure she'll complain about the entire time.
I don't know how to make this work.
But going home to Japan is the only thing keeping me going right now. The only thing that gets me up every day. The goal to just make it back, even for a short time.
We wanted to sail there. But the hurricane has destroyed the boat. And FEMA just keeps dicking us around, and even if they do give us something, I'm worried it'll be on the low end of what they'd pay out, and not enough to get us a new boat.
Our situation sucks. No toilet, the water barely works anymore. Eveything on the boat is rotting. We're basically homeless.
And the only way out is to probably move out for Florida.
But where?
The job I have here is great. They treat me well, and pay me well, and actually give me things to do. Unlike Black River just keeping me around for "something" while the narcissists make fun of me.
I don't know where I want to go in the US to work elsewhere. I'm tired of this country. Things are getting worse.
Maybe I could look into getting an abandoned Akiya home in Japan, and try to move my job there.
That would be the dream anyway.
I should look into that possibility. Only thing is, I don't have a degree.
I have certificates of completion from my trade school. Lots of years of experience and certifications. Maybe that will help?